“Master Muppeteers and Puppeteers among a celeb-heavy line-up at The Great Con-Junction.”
FANS of The Muppets, Fraggle Rock, The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet the talent behind some of the world’s most iconic puppets this February.
Muppeteers Dave Goelz and Steve Whitmire will be joined by other legendary puppeteers, conceptual designers, fabricators and voice artists at The Great Con-Junction event at Elstree Studios in London on February 8th and 9th.
The Great Con-Junction celebrates the 1982 cult-classic fantasy film The Dark Crystal, which brought together world-builders and puppet masters from across the Jim Henson Company and beyond, including those who worked on The Muppet Show and Star Wars.

In a world-first, organizer Zay Mirmalek has secured a personal appearance from Dave Goelz, best known for playing Gonzo in The Muppets, as well as other famous creatures from the Jim Henson universe.
Mirmalek, CEO at events company Thames Con, said: “The Great Con-Junction is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with some of the world’s greatest living puppeteers, builders and artists. To have Dave Goelz (Gonzo) and Steve Whitmire (Kermit) in the same room is a dream come true.”
Dave Goelz is a legendary puppeteer best-known for playing Gonzo the Great in The Muppets, Fizzgig and the Garthim Master Skeksis in The Dark Crystal, plus Boober Fraggle and Uncle Travelling Matt in Fraggle Rock and Fraggle Rock: Back the Rock. The event will be Goelz’s first proper convention appearance and a unique opportunity to get photos and autographs with this legend of small and big screen.

Whitmire played Kermit the Frog after the death of Jim Henson as well as Rizzo the Rat and Bean Bunny in The Muppets until 2016, SkekTek and The Scientist Skeksis in The Dark Crystal and Wembley in Fraggle Rock. Whitmire will share his skills, knowledge and behind the scenes anecdotes with fans. Whitmire and Goelz have never attended a fan event together before.

Mirmalek said: “Life is short, anyone who loves Jim Henson's body of work, should be joining us in London. With panels, screenings, collectable merchandise, props, puppets and plenty of opportunities to meet the masters, this will be an incredible opportunity for fans to meet their heroes.”
Other attractions at The Great Con-Junction include:
· A puppetry masterclass with some of the world’s leading puppeteers
· A voice acting workshop with Donna Kimball (Aughra in The Dark Crystal)
· A world-building workshop with conceptual designer Brian Froud and Gelfling fabricator Wendy Froud
· Gelfling wing making and hair braiding and a cosplay competition
· A Podling Party
· A Dark Crystal film Screening with cast and crew
· Giveaways, photo-ops, panels, props, puppets, a Dark Crystal quiz and screening, plus a once-in-a-lifetime Podling Party experience
Other confirmed guests include: Karen Falk (Jim Henson Company), Louise Gold (of Muppets fame), Stephen Garlick (voice of Jen), Lisa Maxwell (voice of Kira), Michael Kilgarriff (The Garthim Master), Toby Philpott (UrTih), Simon J Williamson (UrSol), Mike Edmonds (Aughra), Hugh Spight (Landstrider), Kiran Shah MBE (Jen, Kira), Robbie Barnett (Landstrider), Rollie Krewson (world famous Puppet Builder), Jocelyn Stevenson (Writer, Fraggle Rock & The Waterubas), and creators John Coppinger, Sherry Amott Tippey and Valerie Charlton. Experts on Jim Henson and contributors to The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance will also be on hand.
Mirmalek said: “Sadly, this will be the last Great Con-Junction event. If you love Dark Crystal, Fraggle Rock or the Muppets, book now and DO NOT MISS OUT.”
Learn more at: thegreatconjunction.com